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9/17/19 Minutes

Started meeting 3:22pm

1. Thanked everyone for help at Homecoming tailgate fundraiser

Fundraiser was not very successful, but we have ideas for next time

Will sell water bottles for $0.50/piece

2. Will not be doing AIDS Walk as a group - individuals may do it, several officers and Mrs. Adams will be there, but no permission slips are needed

3. Mapping Q presentation from UA Museum of Art on 10/1 to kick off lecture series

4. Meeting at 22nd and Columbus at 9:00 am for PRIDE on 9/28

Mrs. Adams will set up Remind, Insta and website

5. Locker love notes - club members split into groups to hang up

Look at these gorgeous love notes!!!

One of the downstairs teams

One of the upstairs teams

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October 22nd

Started at 3:20 Announcements: Blood drive - people who identify as male and are into guys and has been sexuality active within 12 months you cannot donate club pictures - next Tuesday bring the gay D

10/01/2019 The start of spooky month.

We are having a presentation from Sarah and is talking about LGBTQ+ art program called Mapping Q. It is an all year round program that does workshops with topics including self-identity.

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